Sunday, July 3, 2011

So some funny tidbits from here in Ukraine

I have received so many gifts of chocolate that my current stash nearly adds up to a year supply.

Maja, Nadir, Chris and I want to kill the DJ at the disco here everynight. He plays the same terrible "barbara streisand," "you will be my sun and moon and star," and "my heart will go on..." One of the nights in fact, he popped literally out of no where and asked me to dance with him. However, he said it in some weird way that made no sense, so I stared at his annoyingly smiled face for a good minute before I understood what he was trying to communicate. Also, at this particular moment I was in the midst of tying my shoe...that didn't happen. Instead, my stupid self said sure I'll dance with you...and once again it was to a terrible song from the 90's. BUT it was also the worst dance of my life. He had it in his mind apparently, that it is fun to rock back and forth 60 times a second during a slow i got so dizzy. Then he stops and kneels...and I was like oh gosh what is he doing!? is this a proposal because sorry but this is just not how it works in the U.S. instead...after trying to comprehend a few of his awkward sentences I finally understand that he is telling me to hold his hand and run around him. I was thinking...what the hell is this place? Is this guy crazy!? How is running around you in a circle fun or how is it even a dance. I'm pretty sure it was the most ridiculous thing ever. I was just grinning and smiling though until the song changed...and immediately walked away after his awkward thanks. Now I see him everyday at the canteen (where we eat) and silently laugh inside...

What else is there?

Well there are a lot of random cats and dogs that walk around here...and don't you dare pet them because they aren't the nice kind. They are the mangey (spelling?) kind...yikes!

Oh, I remember something...when nadir, maja and i were at the pool that one day, a random hurd of goats appeared by the exercise equipment, and then finally the farmer lady appeared as well. These goats also kept farting really was quite the spectacle.

Right now I'm just chugging juice and tea to feel better....

Please please please believe in all the old wives' tales we americans make fun of them! I ignored everyones' requests to listen to them and here I the shambles of a horrid cold...

So, never sit on a cold stone. One time I was just sitting on a stone ledge waiting for our training sessions and taras comes over and tells me i need to sit on something...I was like are you kidding me? and he was completely serious. But naturally I just laughed it off...maja later informed me that it "ruins your kidney" and "damages your lady parts" I must say I am still laughing about this one....

o and of course there's always don't go outside with wet hair, which I am sure I ignored atleast 20 times already being here. I am convince that this is the reason I am sick...there is some kind of ukrainian bug in the air probably...idk...but now i believe, live, and swear by these ukrainian health practices HAHA

O I have to go to the dance floor i think...the students are putting on a performance/contest as they do everyday. I think it's t.v. commerical day or something. Outta be interesting! Oh, and now the DJ started playing....GREAT!

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