Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Last Shebang

So this is it. The last hoorah!

I'm sitting in my room...there is a monsoon outside haha...and too many kids screaming and shouting in the corridor...they are preparing for the final concert of the second shift of kids! How fun...I know they are planning on imitating the it ought to be hilarious to see this:)

But anyway, I leave tomorrow evening for Lviv...and then we basically take a direct train ride for 7 hours to the deep deep deep carpathian mountains!

It's been quite a ride, and I am sorry to say my story will end here...for the rest you will have to talk to me once I'm back in America!

We won't have internet access for a total of 16 days...HOW FUN!

You can guess whether that is sarcastic, but I would say it is a little bit of both.

Today Nadir and I walked to the shop in the town...I guess you could call it...more like creepy Ukrainian ghost town with a few grandmothers sitting around outside and old men with cats that stare at you. I bought nothing else than chocolate and ice cream haha...what a fatty I am...

I'm sorry but I just need relief from all the buckwheat and over cooked pasta...not to mention the mystery meat....YUM.

I will miss this place...especially the random cleaning lady who screamed at me yesterday during my lesson because the students were sitting on couch pillows on the floor. I don't think she knew that I was ukrainian...but I just stared at her face which looked so magnified to me. Her anger I think popped a blood vessel in her forehead...I had to keep from laughing...then I said in broken English "ja za americae" which means I am american...from which she got even more made and literally began to explode on the students. I felt bad but certainly got a kick out of it haha!

And our disco is likely cancelled for tonight as this is the thunderstorm central zone this evening...

So we will go to the restaurant and drink our worries away. There was a lot of drama here, and everyone needs to relax!

I felt so good though because the students actually wanted to work on their fairytale book projects during afternoon nap...LIKE HOMEWORK! WOOO!

I have succeeded in not failing as a teacher! GREAT!




Saturday, July 16, 2011

Who the am I?


I am so sick of feeling disgusting here everyday...I have come to realize that I pamper myself a little too much...I mean I usually change my clothes 20 times before picking out what to wear when I'm home....Here it's slip on whatever least smells. HAHA! How sad!

Some things I realized today on our excursion....

First, Ukrainians are obsessed with gardening. Every single house has a beautiful garden...

Second, I'm beginning to understand the language. I can read probably 15 letters...congratulations to me!

Third, I hate the vendors here! They are so mean:( They charge foreigners extra which ticks me off! I always enjoy it when I have a Ukrainian friend ask how much something is, and then I come back later to ask again and they raise the price. HOW NICE. Idiotic corrupted system...

Anyway, today we went back to the wellness place and also the really boring chernadyvo museum....

I took a lot of pictures and video which is good....

Otherwise, I was slightly bored simply because I have seen everything before...

I am seriously in a coma now I think...

Yesterday I dreamt that I was back at home and then someone woke me up because they were fumigating the hotel here. I was then pissed and just wanted to go back to sleep to dream about home....but I know once I'm home I'll do nothing except dream about Ukraine.

So about this fumigation...what the heck!? Ukrainians are so obsessed with health that I am to the point of annoyance...I guess. It's just weird to me. I mean they are seriously sure that going outside with wet hair will give you a sore throat, or something like that. It's funny but then again true I suppose. However, I do believe there is a more biological reason for all of this hoopla!

And dinner today was bad, so I just ate too much chocolate:(

The dinner composed of salami and cabbage with buckwheat...I am so sick of buckwheat. We eat it every other second....but I do love the salami and cabbage. the combination just does not work...

Yes well enough for my complaints. I am really enjoying myself here, but I just have a lot of pent up stress today. However, I truly shouldn't have any, as we had no lessons today and there will be video lessons tomorrow which are easy.

I should be forever greatful and happy....SO I AM:)

I just would really like to have a washing machine that's all...

And I'm missing my cousin's wedding today which sucks:( I wish I was there! Cheers to Joey and Danielle!

Well, please allow me to go throw out my banana peel, as this is the only fruit I've been eating for the past 3 days...I'd say I've had atleast 12 bananas lol because they put a box of them in our we just go in there whenever....they are so ripe now......

Goodbye and God bless!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hello Everyone

I am currently sitting on my dual functioning bed, eating a banana, listening to the horrible music filtering into my room from the disco floor, with the girls speaking ukrainian in the other room. This is the life...

Remember yesterday I said I was going on an excursion to the waterfall...WELL that was interesting. I'm pretty sure the hike we went on would be illegal in the U.S. to take students on. I mean we went on these legit vertical climbs...and the trekkk down the waterfall, well lets keep it a secrect between you and I, but I slid and fell on my butt....definitely have a bruise from that one....

Anyway, the carpathian waterfall was one of the most gorgeous natural wonders I have ever seen:) so the 1.5 hour trekk was well worth it!

Then last night we had a rock n roll was fun to hear all the old tunes:) I had a great time...

And today...DUN DUN DUN...we took this second group of kids to Mukachevo...BUT us teachers ditched the kids (so they were with instructors) and finally went shopping on our own yay! But first, our day started out with pizza! yummy! then we went shopping for hours...Maya and I at one point went to this second hand shop...which was very apparently this is where all of the clothes from the U.S. go...because there were literally 5 things from my closet from H & M there. I laughed quite hard.

And I kept trying to buy shorts...then I would have them on and I would think to myself why in the world would I buy these!? I would NEVER wear them in the U.S. It is a matter of fact that basically anything I buy here will never be worn once I'm home. Geeze this place is riskay. to a big brown spot on my banana! haha!

Yea, so I bought a ton of more stuff. You're welcome.

And now I am attempting to relax because the shopping was INTENSE. I hope I will be able to sleep this evening............

It's so musty and humid in this room....I want to sleep outside in a hammock. Yikes.

Lessons again tomorrow with great is Little Red Riding Hood day! wooooo!

So have fun everyone....I miss me something sparkly soon and ship it to ukraine....because I love sparkles.....a lot:D

Peace & Love & Happiness to you!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

yep yep yep

Hello Everyone:)

I still miss you, and I would like to inform you that I will not have internet access at all for a total of 16 days...I'm excited to experience this because I do not forsee it as possible! We will have no internet because the next camp we are staying at is way way out in the middle of nowhere...turychka...or something like that in the carpathians...

So, yestderday here was "quest" day in which all the students and staff dressed up as pirates. However, I didn't really until the nightly disco because I was soooo tired, and I slept a lot meaning I didn't have time to get ready for anything. Anyway, it was hilarious to see these kids' costumes. One kid must be quadruple jointed or something because he was walking around with his arm behind his it looked like it was broken. Then this one team painted "black blood" all over themselves...which I found to be hilarious...

Quest day is basically like a scavenger hunt where each team has to perform different tasks. My favorite is the string course like an army training tactic where the students have to crawl through this web of string without touching any...and it takes them forever, and I feel horrible watching because they ruin their clothes from the mud. Some of the boys go through it in their underwear...which almost seems worse...

Yes, and everything here has been tough for the past couple of days...I mean our bathroom looked like a bomb exploded in it and that there was a mudslide after because the floor would get so dirty it looked like a muddy river. Afterall, there are about 10 people sharing one single bathroom, and our bedroom is now deemed "the trainstation" because trillions of instructors and teachers are always walking is a miracle that anyone is able to sleep...

I basically live off of my's the only amount of personal space I have. It's cool to see how economical I have become:)

Anyway, because of all of this stress placed on us teachers and instructors, arthur allowed us to have a barbecue last night after the children went to sleep...


They have this cheese here which is the texture of a rubberband...then you chew it a little bit and it turns into cheese, but it tastes so salty and so smokey...OMG I FELL IN LOVE with this amazing cheese. I am on a high right now just because I ate that cheese. They then barbecued all this tasty:) and we had chips, tomatoes (as usual), pickles (like usual), bread, and wine and coca cola, and kvass...


I loved this night because we all got to be together and just relax while having fun!

AND I was had in a joke as usual...

Today, I am just happy...the older students went on an excursion to mukachevo today...we go tomorrow...

So my students were anxious and didn't want to learn a thing...our fairytale of the day today was Rumpelstiltskin! wooo!

And i just ate lunch which included my most hated dish which has chunks of fat in it with rice...i gag....but i ate the rice and cole slaw...yummmmm:)

And now we will be going on an excursion of our own here in about 40 minutes to the waterfall...can't wait! should be fun!

So I'll be talking to you again soooooon!

God bless:D


Monday, July 11, 2011

Ukrainian popsicles trump american!


this popsicle is delicious!

I needed a cheer up here and this was definitely the way to do it.

Our new shift of kids has settled in here at the camp...

This means a lot of getting to know Ukrainian names...

So far, I have my 'groupies' as luigi calls them. Nastya, Dianna, and Alina...they follow me around and ask me all these questions. Last night they asked if I had children, and I laughed for about 15 minutes at that one. They are only 9 years old and so cute. These girls make me want to have children! haha!

But anyway, today we had a talent show in the camp and one of the girl's talents was that she drew a picture of me. THE BEST IDEA EVER. Today they did a skit in the talent show too to the barbie girl song. It was so cute. They had adorable little victor as their ken......we all enjoyed it so much!

And I just came back from supper where I ate about 50 wafer cookies...the people here think i don't eat, and i really don't understand why? I eat a lot...maybe it's because i eat fast? but i don't at all...

So, I'm really tired and coming up with my lesson plans for tomorrow...

I'm trying my best to stay alive!

ttys & God blesss!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Loves:)

I miss you all so much!

It's been a tough couple of days here in Ukraine...holy cow!

So, we said by to our first shift of students yesterday. I rode the train back to Lviv from Mukachevo...and all the students were crying. It was so sad to see them go because I was really able to get to know each one individually, and I realize I will never see them again! yikes!

It's been raining here too much. I'm so sick of feeling soggy and disgusts me and takes a week for anything I wash to dry. However, today I am in Lviv, currently sitting at Mcdonalds, and the sun was out, and Nadir and I went shopping! How fun:)

Time is flying of course...and this was expected. I just can't believe I've already been here for 25 days. I feel as though I am living parallel lives. It doesn't seem like my life back home really exists anymore, and I'm not sure how I will adjust when I go back!

Something funny about the students...they were so fascinated that I can type fast. They sit there and laugh at me and say I should win a world record for fastest typer. I kept trying to tell them that everyone in America types fast, (for the most part)but they were just so excited to see me type! haha

And we had a farewell bonfire for the students which reminded me much of home...with fireworks and the whole shebang.

You know, I was really homesick today, but things are looking up! I've had such a brilliant day with Nadir here in Lviv that I have realized how much I truly enjoy this sitting...

I just keep smiling............

I really hope everything is good at home because I really want a peanut butter and jelly...

O and let me tell you about my packing experience yesterday. We had to pack our stuff because we came to lviv and left somethings in mukachevo (the camp). I'm pretty sure my suitcase already weighs twice as much as it did when I first came here. So I was trying to give so much stuff away from America that I no longer want. It was great fun! And I can't wait to live in a clean room again because so much dirt and mud gets tracked in everywhere...


Good Day and God Bless Everyone:) You are all in my thoughts and prayers here in Ukraine! I LOVE YOU ALL!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

So some funny tidbits from here in Ukraine

I have received so many gifts of chocolate that my current stash nearly adds up to a year supply.

Maja, Nadir, Chris and I want to kill the DJ at the disco here everynight. He plays the same terrible "barbara streisand," "you will be my sun and moon and star," and "my heart will go on..." One of the nights in fact, he popped literally out of no where and asked me to dance with him. However, he said it in some weird way that made no sense, so I stared at his annoyingly smiled face for a good minute before I understood what he was trying to communicate. Also, at this particular moment I was in the midst of tying my shoe...that didn't happen. Instead, my stupid self said sure I'll dance with you...and once again it was to a terrible song from the 90's. BUT it was also the worst dance of my life. He had it in his mind apparently, that it is fun to rock back and forth 60 times a second during a slow i got so dizzy. Then he stops and kneels...and I was like oh gosh what is he doing!? is this a proposal because sorry but this is just not how it works in the U.S. instead...after trying to comprehend a few of his awkward sentences I finally understand that he is telling me to hold his hand and run around him. I was thinking...what the hell is this place? Is this guy crazy!? How is running around you in a circle fun or how is it even a dance. I'm pretty sure it was the most ridiculous thing ever. I was just grinning and smiling though until the song changed...and immediately walked away after his awkward thanks. Now I see him everyday at the canteen (where we eat) and silently laugh inside...

What else is there?

Well there are a lot of random cats and dogs that walk around here...and don't you dare pet them because they aren't the nice kind. They are the mangey (spelling?) kind...yikes!

Oh, I remember something...when nadir, maja and i were at the pool that one day, a random hurd of goats appeared by the exercise equipment, and then finally the farmer lady appeared as well. These goats also kept farting really was quite the spectacle.

Right now I'm just chugging juice and tea to feel better....

Please please please believe in all the old wives' tales we americans make fun of them! I ignored everyones' requests to listen to them and here I the shambles of a horrid cold...

So, never sit on a cold stone. One time I was just sitting on a stone ledge waiting for our training sessions and taras comes over and tells me i need to sit on something...I was like are you kidding me? and he was completely serious. But naturally I just laughed it off...maja later informed me that it "ruins your kidney" and "damages your lady parts" I must say I am still laughing about this one....

o and of course there's always don't go outside with wet hair, which I am sure I ignored atleast 20 times already being here. I am convince that this is the reason I am sick...there is some kind of ukrainian bug in the air probably...idk...but now i believe, live, and swear by these ukrainian health practices HAHA

O I have to go to the dance floor i think...the students are putting on a performance/contest as they do everyday. I think it's t.v. commerical day or something. Outta be interesting! Oh, and now the DJ started playing....GREAT!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

5 days no net


It's been awhile considering we've had no internet access, well I should say, I've had no internet access here for 5 days. This is because things in the camp have been so absolutely busy busy busy!

In fact, these have been the most exciting days thus far!

We went on a couple of excursions. First, we went to this ukrainian wellness resort which is just about the coolest place i have ever experienced. There are gardens, and ponds, and sunbathing, and exercize equipment...along with horseback riding and swimming and shopping:)

The hotel is literally the coolest place I've ever seen. It looks like a building right out of disney land. so, you walk around this place and see people getting massages in these serene, calming gazebos in the middle of beautiful, landscaped trees. Then you'll find all lot of ukrainians soaking up the sun.

BUT MY FAVORITE PART IS THE UKRAINIAN OBSESSION WITH WATER. We entered this building in the center of the resort where you can drink different types of water. They have different levels of sodium/sulfur and are various temperatures. This place is supported by an underground tap so it is completely natural. Only one thing, it smells like rotten eggs.

I was daring and decided to try some...i nearly puked my guts out because the taste is so raunchy and the smell is so potent. But the people here swear by it and swear it works. Many rich ukrainians come here strictly for the fact to drink the special type of water that the doctor prescribes to them. It's quite fascinating. In fact, one of our students spent her time there last summer, and she says she has not gotten a stomache ache since. I need this stuffffff. wow!

After this wellness resort, we went to this castle place which has three connected buildings. It housed the poor on one side of the building and then the rich on the other in the 16th century. Then in the center, there is a church. The main message of this building is to show the world that God brings all people together. I thought it was one of the greatest places I've ever been:)

Now close to this castle is a spring which also leads me to believe that ukrainians are obsessed with water. There is some old tale where a princess kept drinking from this spring and she became more and more youthful with each drink. So, some prince guy came along and drank from it, but drank too much because he turned into a baby. Haha. I'm sure I have this story completely wrong, but this is what I got out of the translation to english...

When we saw this spring everyone was drinking from it, and naturally, I was a bit hesitant because in the U.S. we would never drink from a river. EVER. But i filled my water bottle and it was indeed the best tasting water I have had!

Now the next excursion day we went to the mukachevo castle/city of mukachevo. this city is approximately 17 klm from the polish border, and it was super cool! The castle is situated on top of a huge mountain (of the carpathians) and there is a very scenic tour to get up there. Of course, we could see much of the castle itself, but the views were amazing!

And afterwards, we walked around mukachevo with the students to get some pizza because it is not served here in the camp. I think I mentioned before that they put corn on their pizza...yah and why I am still not sure!

Then after returning to the camp here, maja, nadir, and i were bored, so we decided to walk around the base camp...and maja wanted to see the swimming pool because she hadn't yet. Now remember it was probably 65 degrees farenheit this day, and YES my friends, as always, michelle went swimming. I was provoked to jump in, in my clothes...and it was great fun! the swimming pool is about 5 feet is a cemented block with water that is tapped from the neighboring the bottom is slimey, but there is no fish or muck or anything like that...BUT I also got nadir to jump in because he loves was one day i will never forget!

HOWEVER, i am definitely regretting my decision to jump in that water today...and yesterday...I AM SICK:( I couldn't teach my lessons today because it's difficult for me to talk, so arthur, the camp director, and irina, the camp doctor, took me to the mukachevo hospital. Have you ever seen the movie saw? well, the room I was waiting in for the doctor definitely looked like a scene out of this movie. At one pooint, some ukrainian nurse came in and talked to me...she popped out of some randoma entryway and scared the living daylights out of me. Then after this, we were sent to the throat doctor across town...this guy was so old and shakey and his office looked like papa's (my great grandfather's) old barber shop left over from the 1950's. Everything was primitively vintage...i mean he pulled this super old creaky lamplight type thing covered in dust to look down my throat. he even had one of those old headband magnifier wow wow is all i have to say. I wish you all could experience this!

So the wonderfully hospitable arthur and irina traveled to the drug store to acquire my proper medicines, and now I am happily taking them...according to their orders! I don't know how two people could be more accomodating, and I certainly thank them so much for all of their care!

Overall, I'm trying to power up so I can keep teaching these awesome students. I <3 them, and I <3 the AmEs summer camp!

Goodbye for now and God bless!